Eldar revisited

Having mostly been painting Imperial Titans over the last few months, I decided recently that it would make an interesting change to paint up an Eldar Titan. So along with the last Reaver Titan, I ordered a Phantom as well. It is now painted.

Phantom Titan

Having done that, I decided that while I was revisiting my Eldar army I might as well do some infantry as well, so I painted up this Guardian warhost:

Guardian Warhost

Having a third Guardian warhost means that I can now use all eight of my painted Wraithguard units rather than just the six. This conveniently brings the total number of points in this update to 1,000 exactly.

Group shot

When added to my existing Eldar army, this brings the total points cost up to 7,125 points under the current (2.5) version of the Alaitoc list, making the Eldar my largest painted army. However, I need paint only one more Imperial Titan before that overtakes it.

Incidentally, one thing that struck me was how tall the Phantom model is. It towers over its Imperial counterparts (aside from the Imperator, of course). Here’s a picture for comparison:

Titan height comparison

As you can see, even without the extra height added by the wings, it’s significantly taller than the Warlord, albeit thinner and less bulky.


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